Monday, June 8, 2009

I photographed Kamryn for the first time about 9 months ago and captured the above shot. One of my all time faves. And this shot is just so pink and girly. So simple. So beautiful.

The other day I got to photograph Kamryn with her mom and dad. And I managed to catch those eyelashes again... I like the imperfections of the image below. Her hair slightly scattered about. Her dress sorta bunched. Not a perfect pout, just a little girl mesmerized by some pebble on the ground. But the thing I like the most about both of these shots is that they capture her innocence and tiny-ness. Squishy shoulders. Soft fine hair. Round baby cheeks. Snuggly baby skin... In 10 years, these pictures will bring back her baby-ness more than any smiling-at-the-camer-shot every could. Don't you think?

I never get to use this door because it's never down, and if by some miracle it is down, it's in the bright glaring sun. But finally clouds and the closed door happened on the same day! And I love it!

There's just something about daddies and daughters...

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